Adjusting Curriculum to Meet Age Level Needs
Before you take on the task of adjusting curriculum to meet the needs of your class, review Bloom's Taxonomy if you are able. (Or another similar reference.) This will tell you what sorts of learning styles and abilities are found at various age levels. Then, read on.
What do you do if your class is not composed of only one age or grade level? There are ways to adjust the curriculum you use to make this easier. Begin by filling in the questionnaire below, and go on to read the posting to the right: "Cognitive Levels of Learning"
(Prior to filling this out, inventory your supplies!)
Curriculum Title: ________________________________
Original Level: ______________
Level/s to be Adjusted to: ______________
Lesson Number:_______
1. What is the main theme of this unit?
2. How would you re-word this to fit the new age level/s?
3. Look at the teacher prompts and lesson questions. Which are concrete
(suitable for smaller children), and which are abstract?
How can you change them?
4. What extra materials can you use to teach this unit to the new age level?
5. Look at the extra activities/worksheets/art projects. How do these fit with the new age level? How can you change them to work better? Or what new materials/activities can you think of that will work for your new level (use the back of the paper)?
6. How will you conclude this lesson (what comments/activities will tie it all together?
7. What assessment tools will you use (how will you be able to tell that the child has learned what you wanted him to in the lesson)?
(copy this to another word document, make the font size bigger, and leave lots of space between questions- this is a worksheet! If you have less than two sides, you are not leaving enough room!) You will use this sheet for every lesson you are adjusting. Believe me, it will be worth it in the end! For an example of how to adjust a portion to an actual lesson, look at the Sample Lesson (listed at right).

- Catherine Sullivan
- BA in education, MAR, in theology and religious studies, CPE, parish DRE, 30 years in teaching and Christian Education, workshop and curriculum design. Associate, Department of Christian Education, Antiochian Archdiocese