I want first of all to commend those out there again who have set up a church school, even when your numbers are modest. I think there is one danger in doing so however; we may feel we have to offer a more streamlined program: perhaps fewer activities, no field trips, or a shorter school year. Somehow it often does not seem “worth” the tremendous energy some of these things take. But, nothing is further from reality.
When you are few, it is more difficult to maintain a strong identity, a presence in the parish. Thus, I think those of us with smaller church schools must do even more to build a quality program, and to have as full a program as possible.
I have jotted down a few things regarding this, which will be found to the right, under "Ten Points for Successful Church Schools."

- Catherine Sullivan christianeducator@gmail.com
- BA in education, MAR, in theology and religious studies, CPE, parish DRE, 30 years in teaching and Christian Education, workshop and curriculum design. Associate, Department of Christian Education, Antiochian Archdiocese