The Wakefield Pageant of Herod the Great c. 1400s
Adapted for modern children’s usage 1991 by Catherine Sullivan
(Note: this is performed in a “rap” style, with lots of “groups,” so that you can add or delete characters as you need. You do not need very many speakers. It is a short one also.)
Setting: Jerusalem, at the time of Jesus’ birth
Characters: Messenger
Act 1
Scene 1: Herod’s Palace
Present: Messenger, Herod, Two Soldiers, Counselors
Messenger: Hail oh Herod, Mighty King!
There is none so great!
Yet troubled be he, it’s plain to see,
By a babe to be born of low estate.
Herod: The Magi I’ve sent
From town of Orient
Tho’ babe be he
His body will I see or
No king shall I be!
Soldier 1: They have discovered the Magi three-
That terrible plot laid by thee,
We have not seen them all this day
They must have gone the other way!
Herod: Betrayed, betrayed, they’ll rue the day
They chose to go another way!
Counselor 1: No harm’s done yet-
The sun’s not set!
Herod: Revenge I shall have on this kingly three,
Else what will my people think of me?
Soldier1: They escaped before I knew-
I’d have got them,
I’d have seen it through!
Herod: Be gone, you rogues, away with you-
No better than these soldiers two!
(End of Scene 1- all exit stage.)
Scene 2: Jerusalem’s market Square/Herod’s Chambers
Present: Two Counselors, Women, Herod
Counselor 1: There shall be born a Royal Child
Born of a maiden, meek and mild.
Counselor 2: In Isaiah it was foretold
Emmanuel born, in poverty and cold,
The Writings then would have it thus,
God in Man is born to us!
Woman: Yes, of Jewry a babe shall spring,
To serve us all, as Lord and King!
Act 2
Scene 1: Herod’s Chambers.
Present: Herod, Soldiers, Messenger
Herod: I’m wild with rage-
This cannot be!
I’ll kill this child that threatens me!
Counselor 1: What outrage from a child not one-
A hunt for him we have begun!
Counselor 2: To die by spear-
That is his fate,
For Magi Three we cannot wait!
(Soldiers enter)
Herod: This is the charge I give to you
Slay all the males of less than tow-
Scour the countryside near and far,
Ride in the light of yonder star!
Messenger: Your bidding they will do, Great Lord,
With all speed they’ll ride abroad.
They will kill the little child,
Though storm and sand, or desert wild.
They will ride, and at the end,
You will know your real friends!
Scene 2: (Another part of Jerusalem)
Present: Soldiers, Women
Soldier 1: Think not ill of me,
But your child I see!
Soldier 2: Him we must kill-
It’s Herod’s will!
Woman 1: Keep your peace or else I fight-
No child you’ll take from me this night!
Soldier 2: Your child must die,
No mercy here,
You must say good-by I fear!
Woman 1: A curse on you, we do not fear,
A mother’s love holds this child so dear!
Soldier 1: No escape, this child must die.
You may as well wipe that tear from your eye!
Woman 2: What shall we do- how can this be?
Can they not see this child is not He?
(Soldiers snatch the child from the mother and exit, leaving weeping women.)
Act 3:
Scene 1: (Herod’s palace some time later.)
Present: Herod, and several Soldiers.
Soldier 2: Hail Harod, your bidding we’ve done,
The children are slain-
We’ve left not a one.
Soldier 1: Our just compense to us now due-
This is all we ask of you!
Herod: You’ve done well, it’s plain to see,
A fat reward you’ve gained from me!
(Soldiers exit, leaving Herod alone.)
Herod: All is finished, I should be at peace,
But why can’t my soul now find release?
I did what I must to keep my crown,
But did they truly slay the child of renown?
(In the background, music plays- “What Child is This,” or other music with similar theme. Herod walks slowly off the stage.)
- Catherine Sullivan
- BA in education, MAR, in theology and religious studies, CPE, parish DRE, 30 years in teaching and Christian Education, workshop and curriculum design. Associate, Department of Christian Education, Antiochian Archdiocese