A Saturday Little Lenten Retreat Day
9:00 Continental breakfast for parents and children
9:30 Short Matins service
10:00 Teaching time (This is a good time to talk about the meaning of the Nativity Season. Try to bring in your priest for this- he very rarely has a chance to spend time with the children normally, and they need that contact.)
11:00 Snack time- (You may want to make this cookie baking time, perhaps making up the dough ahead.)
11:30 Beginning craft time (Start your craft now. Make it a meaningful one- perhaps making an Advent calendar or icon. You may want two or more activities if ages are varied.)
12:00 Soup and sandwich lunch provided by parish members.
12:30 Outdoor activity (varies depending on your location and surroundings- perhaps a walk in the woods, or snowball fight).
1:00 Continuing craft time.
2:00 Saturday at the movies (Pick a good film which has a good moral message, if not actually religious. There are some religious films out now that are very high quality, however, and engaging for children.)
3:00 Snack time- something simple and light.
3:30 Wind down time- (storytelling, an additional activity, or you can do the church school lesson for the week, and plan a day off on Sunday.)
4:30 Simple Vespers service. (If children have made icons, have the priest bless them at this time.)
5:00 Pot luck supper with the parents, and home.

- Catherine Sullivan christianeducator@gmail.com
- BA in education, MAR, in theology and religious studies, CPE, parish DRE, 30 years in teaching and Christian Education, workshop and curriculum design. Associate, Department of Christian Education, Antiochian Archdiocese