Scripture Teaching and Associated Activity
Feed the Hungry
visit a food bank and help bag food
begin a food drive for the needy at a local community center or your church
Clothe the Naked
have older students knit scarves for children in a homeless shelter
collect clothes for a community “free closet” program, or start one
Comfort those who Mourn
have students “adopt” a lonely senior in a nursing home or care center
help students make cards to send to parish shut-ins or those who have recently lost loved ones
Do Good to those who Hate You
have students pray each day for someone who has hurt them in the past
have students do something nice for that person-anonymously

- Catherine Sullivan
- BA in education, MAR, in theology and religious studies, CPE, parish DRE, 30 years in teaching and Christian Education, workshop and curriculum design. Associate, Department of Christian Education, Antiochian Archdiocese