A First Introduction to Smaller Church Schools
Why do we have church schools at all? Can’t kids learn at the feet of their parents? Today- not really. Many, if not most, have no extended families, and many have two working parents, who barely have time to see they are fed and clothed. Of course, all parents are not equipped to teach the factual information, although of course they are the chief modelers of the faith. Therefore, there are very practical reasons for church schools.Certainly we have church schools because of Christ’s command: go ye and preach the gospel.” As church school people, we do not think of ourselves as “preachers,” but in a way we are. Jesus was a preacher and also a rabbi, which of course in Hebrew means “teacher.” Although we do not bring the gospel to the masses, we do bring it to our children- on a level they can understand. This is why, to me, church school is mandatory, not optional only if all conditions are optimal. We must be there for our children, whether they number in the hundreds, or can be counted on one hand. Therefore it amazes me when people tell me their parish does not have a church school, since there are not “enough” children. My question for them always is, how will you ever have “enough” children, if you offer no church school? A responsible parent will probably not want to attend a parish where none is offered, and we can’t wait for the numbers before putting something in place that will serve the needs of present and future children. Congratulations to those of you here who have seen this and acted.

- Catherine Sullivan christianeducator@gmail.com
- BA in education, MAR, in theology and religious studies, CPE, parish DRE, 30 years in teaching and Christian Education, workshop and curriculum design. Associate, Department of Christian Education, Antiochian Archdiocese