Actual text from The Way, the Truth and the Life (OCEC curriculum), p. 46:
(High School Level)
"St. Helen Finds the True Cross
To honor his new faith, Constantine arranged to build a church on Golgotha, where Christ had been crucified. At the same time, his mother, Helen, decided to search for the cross on which Jesus had dies, so that it could stand inthe new church. With a team of men to dig through the rubble, and guidance of the Holy Spirit, the elderly queen traveled to Jerusalem and found the true cross of Christ in 326."
Questions: Why do you think St. Helen decided to look for the true cross?
(Middle School Level)
St. Helen Finds the True Cross
When Constantine the king became a Christian, he wanted to do something special, so he decided to built a church at the place where Jesus had been crucified. At the same time, his mother Helen set out to find the actual cross on which Jesus had hung. She took many stong men with her and travelled to Jerusalem, where her prayers let her find the true cross of Jesus in 326.
Question: Tell what Constantine and his mother Helen did to show their faith in Jesus.
(Elementary Level)
St. Helen Finds the Cross
Long ago, two good Christians did something special because they loved Jesus. Their names were King Constantine, and his mother, who was named Helen. King Constantine built a new church where Jesus' real cross had once been. His mother Helen went to find Jesus' real cross, and she did!
Question: What did King Constantine build? What did his mother Helen find? Draw a picture of one of these.

- Catherine Sullivan
- BA in education, MAR, in theology and religious studies, CPE, parish DRE, 30 years in teaching and Christian Education, workshop and curriculum design. Associate, Department of Christian Education, Antiochian Archdiocese